Stuffed tortillas

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serves 4

  • toothpicks
  • dough:
  • 150 g of flour
  • ½ tsp of salt
  • 30 g of butter, cut into pieces
  • approx. 75 mL of water
  • 150 g of pork, sliced open
  • 150 g of thinly sliced mozzarella
  • 1 box of cress or a bunch of rocket
  • 8 tsp of chilli sauce or pesto
  • salt

Recipe source

These recipes have been made available to us by Swissmilk. The Swissmilk website with 8,000 free recipes. Cooking tips, things worth knowing about milk and nutritional information can be found at:


  1. 1 For the dough: mix the flour and salt, add the butter and rub into a crumbly consistency. Make a hollow in the middle and pour in the water. Bond into a smooth dough. Do not knead. Wrap in foil and leave in a cool place for 30 mins.
  2. 2 Cut the dough into 8 portions. On a little flour, roll out each portion into a circle of about 2 mm thick. Heat up a stainless steel or cast iron pan. Fry the tortillas one after another on a medium heat until brown bubbles appear. Turn over and fry the other side. Pile the tortillas on top of each other, cover up and keep warm.
  3. 3 Spread a little roast meat, mozzarella, cress/rocket and chilli sauce/pesto on each tortilla. Then salt the tortillas and roll them up. Cut them into sections about 2.5 cm wide and fix them in place with a toothpick. Serve either warm or cold.