Berner Alpkäse and Berner Hobelkäse AOP

Berner Alpkäse AOP

Berner Alpkäse comes from the place where cows graze on sunny, lush Alps at night and the alpine herdsman or woman turns the freshly acquired, nourishing alpine milk into cheese using traditional methods first thing in the morning. Our Berner Alpkäse is shaped by the natural alpine pastures where no artificial fertilisers are used, by the special alpine herbs and the pure, healthy mountain air. According to tests, the Berner Alpkäse (alpine cheese) has a relatively high proportion of linolenic acid, one of the omega 3 fatty acids.

Type of cheese Kova juusto
Milk processing Raakamaito
Type of milk Lehmänmaito
Vollfett min. 45%
Lab-Type Eläinperäinen juoksute
Tolerability Lactosefree, Glutenfree
Maturity 4.5-12 Month
Taste Voimakas, Mieto
Labels AOP/IGP
Region Bernin alue
Season May-September
Loaf 5-16 kg

Berner Alpkäse AOP is made daily from raw alpine milk during the summering period.

  • Berner Alpkäse and Berner Hobelkäse AOP
  • CasAlp
    Sortenorganisation Berner Alp- und Hobelkäse AOP
    Inforama Berner Oberland
  • 3702 Hondrich