Le Gruyère AOP

Le Gruyère AOP Classic

Le Gruyère AOP Classic owes its subtle, characteristic flavour to the prime-quality raw milk from the region. The cows are fed fresh grass in summer and hay in winter. But the skills of the cheese-makers and affineurs are also crucial to the process.

Type of cheese Kova juusto
Milk processing Raakamaito
Type of milk Lehmänmaito
Vollfett F.i.T. 49-53%
Lab-Type Eläinperäinen juoksute
Tolerability Lactosefree, Glutenfree
Maturity 6-9 Month
Taste weich<br /> mild<br /> fein
Labels AOP/IGP
Region Länsi-Sveitsi
Season all-season
Loaf 25-40 kg

Cheese lovers from across the world love Gruyère AOP with its strong, mature flavour – it is a masterpiece of Swiss cheesemaking.

  • Le Gruyère AOP
  • Interprofession du Gruyère
    Case postale 12
  • 1663 Pringy - Gruyères