Le Gruyère AOP

Le Gruyère AOP Bio

The organic Gruyère AOP Bio owes its subtle, characteristic flavour to the prime-quality raw milk given by the region’s cows. They are fed fresh grass in summer and hay in winter. But the skills of the cheese-makers and affineurs are also crucial to the process. The designation “organic” is only awarded to cheese wheels if the milk used comes from farms that meet the criteria of the Bio Suisse label.

Type of cheese Kova juusto
Milk processing Raakamaito
Type of milk Lehmänmaito
Vollfett F.i.T. 49-53%
Lab-Type Eläinperäinen juoksute
Tolerability Lactosefree, Glutenfree
Maturity at least 5 Month
Taste Von der Reifung abhängig
Labels Bio, AOP/IGP
Region Länsi-Sveitsi
Season all-season
Loaf 25-40 kg

Cheese lovers from across the world love Gruyère AOP with its strong, mature flavour – it is a masterpiece of Swiss cheesemaking.

  • Le Gruyère AOP
  • Interprofession du Gruyère
    Case postale 12
  • 1663 Pringy - Gruyères