Berner Alpkäse and Berner Hobelkäse AOP

Berner Hobelkäse AOP

The Alpine cheese from the Bernese Oberland is covered with ‘smear’, which is washed off after five to seven months’ ripening. It is then matured further in a Gaden (storage room) at about 12 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 70 to 75%, to become Berner Hobelkäse AOP. Its unique flavour comes from the lush alpine pastures, the traditional processing method and the particular storage strategy.

Type of cheese Erittäin kova juusto
Milk processing Raakamaito
Type of milk Lehmänmaito
Vollfett min. 45%
Lab-Type Eläinperäinen juoksute
Tolerability Lactosefree, Glutenfree
Maturity 18 Month
Taste Voimakas
Labels AOP/IGP
Region Bernin alue
Season May-September
Loaf 4.5-16 kg

Berner Alpkäse AOP is made daily from raw alpine milk during the summering period.

  • Berner Alpkäse and Berner Hobelkäse AOP
  • CasAlp
    Sortenorganisation Berner Alp- und Hobelkäse AOP
    Inforama Berner Oberland
  • 3702 Hondrich